General:Added a system which allow players to see if an enemy currently has a charge card active by adding an icon above the enemies’ health bar.
PC: Made it so that combat roll triggers on press, and not on release.
PC: Pressing enter will now open the chat channel.
Vehicles: Resolved an issue which would make players invincible after attempting to enter a vehicle.
Vehicles: A timer has been added to Imperials exiting vehicles. Before they could instantly leave certain vehicles.
Vehicles: Increased the time to enter a speeder bike from 0.3 to 0.5s.
Combat Roll: Performing a melee attack at the same time as a combat roll will no longer break the animation.
Combat Roll: Resolved an issue in which players couldn’t see another player performing a combat roll.
Combat Roll: There’s now a 1.5s cooldown.
Deluxe Edition: Resolved an issue in which the upgraded version of Ion Torpedo was awarded instead of the regular version.
Disconnect: Fixed an issue in which players were getting disconnected after observing another players profile in the social hub while playing In game.
Disconnect: Pressing the up arrow in the private match lobby would cause players to disconnect to the menu if they hadn't visited the game modes screen.
Crash: Resolved a rare crash issue which could occur if a player joined another server while waiting in the in-game lobby.
Crash: Resolved a crash issue which could occur when reaching max rank and getting to the End of Round screen.
UI: Resolved an issue which would occur when a player is Rank 60, but the End of Round flow would display the rank as 59.This also resolves other various desync issues with stats.
UI: Removed a blur effect that was present over the soldier in the deployment screen on certain levels.
UI: The kill card will now show which trait card the enemy currently has equipped.
Charge Cards: The duration timer would be decreased by half when standing close to the shipment in the game mode Extraction. Now it's only the charge card cooldown that is decreased by half when standing close to the shipment.
Dioxis Grenade: Now the player will not be able to inflict self-damage when throwing a Dioxis Grenade next to a vehicle and then entering it.
Dioxis Grenade: Increased damage ticks. Increased inner radius damage from 6 to 7. Outer radius damage increased from 4 to 5. A total of 12 health will be dealt each tick when standing in the inner radius.
DLT-19X: Removed a moment penalty that would occur when zooming in.
DT-12: Raised rate of fire from 180 to 220.
RT-97C: Lowered weapon sway, Min 0.25 to 0.2, Max 2 to 1.5.
Blaster Cannon: Increased inner explosion radius from 1 to 1.5m and the outer explosion radius from 1.5 to 2.5m.
Active Cooling: Made the fields slightly wider to make it easier even on the harder levels
ion Detonator: Will explode on impact instead of after a delay.
Ion Detonator: Lowered inner explosion radius from 6 to 2m and the outer explosion radius from 7 to 4m.
Ion Detonator: Lowered the damage multiplier towards soldiers from 0.5X to 0.4X.
UI: Hostile orbital strikes will no longer appear in the blue color while playing as a hero. Now a red color is used.
Darth Vader: Players killed by Darth Vader’s deflection will now correctly see his image in the kill card.
Darth Vader: Players who are currently being choked will not be able to interact with ingame objects, such as uplinks.
Greedo & Nien Nunb: Other players are now unable to spawn on them when they are being attacked.
Greedo: Resolved an issue in the UI for the confidence ability which didn't update correctly once the confidence decreases.
Greedo: Changed Confidence 1 damage multiplier from 1.4 to 1.3. Confidence 2 damage multiplier from 1.9 to 1.7. Confidence 3 damage multiplier from 2.8 to 2.4
Outer Rim: Increased the frequency of Extraction being played in the Outer Rim playlist from 50% to 75%. Two rounds of Extraction will now be played every other round.
Hero Hunt: Resolved a rare issue in which the interface would not appear after spawning in as a Hero in Hero Hunt.
Hero Hunt: Removed the hero selection wheel. Now only showing the score and appointing the top damage dealer to become the next hero.
Heroes Vs Villains: Decreased time between round end and next one begins from 30 to 10 seconds
Fighter Squadron: Resolved an issue in which you could spawn in to a different vehicle type in Fighter Squadron if you deploy in exactly at the same moment as another player does it on the opposite team.
Power-ups: Fixed various issues with Power-ups being unreachable or blocked by the Environment.
Spawns: Fixed player spawns across all modes on Ice Caves & Swamp Crash Site.
Stats: Resolved an issue in which players didn't get any stats after completing rounds of Hero Hunt in certain instances.
Stats: Players should be able to observe all unlocked diorama figurines correctly when looking at another players profile in the social hub. Before only multiplayer based figurines would appear unlocked.
Hutt Contracts: Some descriptions and criteria have been made clearer.
Hutt Contracts: Updated the Criteria for DT-12, Relby-V10, and Scatter Gun to not require 15 kills in a round but rather 15 kills in total.
Hutt Contracts: Unlocks obtained during a game round will now become instantly available and will not require the player to leave the server to access them.
Scoring: Changed the term "Killstreak bonus" to "Combat Streak"
Scoring: Increased various objective based scoring events and decreased various combat oriented scoring events.
Multiplayer: Teams will now re-balance when transitioning between maps
Teamplay Focus: New feature in which an objective can be highlighted by each player to highlight where players are heading; press X (Xbox One), Square (PlayStation 4), or E (PC)
Scoreboard: Rearranged Score to be the first column represented
Scoreboard: Faded player row to signify when a player has been defeated
Partner: The Partner Icon will now be visible on screen at all times
USE: The currently selected Trait card is not shown in the deploy scree
General: Triggering a card right before death will no longer result in an effect not triggering and the card going on cool down
Bowcaster: Updated damage to be consistent across all 3 charge levels - Projectile damage is now 40, Explosion damage is now 33, & the Explosion radius is now 2m
Bowcaster: Now properly goes on cooldown when firing a shot and then quickly entering a turret
Barrage: Lowered fuse timer from 2-2.25 to 1-1.5s
Flashbang Grenade: Added a screenshot component to give it an extra disorienting effect
Powerups: Deployed Droids and Turrets will now self-destruct after 20s when the owner is defeated
Blaster Cannon: Kills will now count towards leveling Trait Cards
Blaster Cannon: No longer takes splash damage from its own shots
E-Web: Players now correctly take damage when right up against the barrel of the gun
Viper Probe & R5-D4 Droid: Spawn protection decreased from 2 to 0.5s
R5-D4: Now shows the correct health bar color for both teams
Smart Rocket: No longer fires from the center of the player camera, now from the barrel of the weapon
Vehicle Turret: Destroying this will now properly grant you score
T-47 Airspeeder: Now properly explodes when hitting the ground after a player ejects
T-47 Airspeeder: During Walker Assault it is no longer possible to switch Tow Cable targets during the Tow Cable event
Speeder Bike: Kills with the cannon are now properly displayed
Speeder Bike: No longer takes damage when just outside the edge of the Orbital Strike boundary
AT-ST: No longer takes damage from fire
Millennium Falcon & Slave I: Now are immediately destroyed when crashing into the ground while in 1st Person view
DF-9: Laser fire is now visible when angling the turret up
Y-Wing: Players are now properly notified if they are killed by a Y-Wing
General: Misc spawning improvements across various map & mode combinations
General: Players no longer instantly die during vehicle deployment after having taken damage that would kill them prior to the transition
Fighter Squadron: Games will no longer end in a draw when a player that crashes into the ground would have awarded the winning points
Fighter Squadron: Vehicles of equal size will now both be destroyed when colliding regardless if one vehicle is shielded
Blast: Re-added Sulphur Fields back into the Blast map rotation
Survival: Stars earned in the Survival in the Ice Caves and Rebel Depot Missions now count towards your total in the social hub
Survival: Zoom now functions properly on all maps
Split Screen: Player 2 can now see the health of Player 1's deployed turret
Split Screen: Player 2's Scan Pulse now highlights enemies as expected
Hero Battles: Friendly AI tokens will now properly award points to the enemy team during Solo Play
Battles: Losing a life in offline Battles is now correctly tracked when winning
General: Fixed inconsistencies with blocking blaster fire between active and passive blocking for Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, & Emperor Palpatine
General: When blocking blaster fire modified with Explosive Shot or Ion Shot, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader now deflect and reflect Explosive Shots or Ion Shots back
General: Heroes can no longer fire their weapon while melee'ing
Boba Fett: Increased the range at which his blaster damage starts to drop off from 30 to 45m
Boba Fett: Increased the range at which blaster damage is at the low end from 60 to 75 m
Map: Removed erroneous Stormtroopers outsider of the playable area from Heroes vs. Villains on Twilight on Hoth
Achievement / Trophey: Updated text of Ackbar's Elite to state "Complete any survival mission on Master without spending a life"
General: Jakku DLC Content is being patched into the game, downloading it separately via platform storefronts is no longer required and can be deleted from your hard drives
Settings: Turning off music in the Sound menu now turns off music everywhere in the game
Settings: Added a Film Grain setting slider in the Video menu
Bowcaster: Full charge direct hit from 20 to 40 per projectile and a normal direct hit increased from 20 to 30 per projectile
Barrage: First volley of grenades no longer disappear if the user uses the Refresh Power-up and then fires a second volley
A-Wing: Increased hit box size
A-Wing: Now properly takes damage when colliding with an AT-ST while having the Shield active
Slave I: Players can now see the Shield icon on Rebel vehicles when a Shield is active
AT-ST: T-47 Airspeeder kills with a missle while firing the primary cannons at the same time now properly awards a kill (previously registered as a suicide)
AT-AT: Fixed bug where the Orbital Strike ability would sometimes not have the aiming reticle move
T-47 Airspeeder: Players will no longer receive an out of bounds message on Graveyard of Giants during Turning Point when a control point is captured
Walker Assault: Fixed Power-up spawns on SoroSuub Centroplex
Walker Assault: Spawning as an Imperial Hero after the AT-ATs just pass the second set of uplinks no longer despawns one of the AT-ATs
Droid Run: Correct Objective Notification is now displayed to all players if someone is killed while trying to claim the Droid
Supremacy: Fixed Power-up spawns on Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, and SoroSuub Centroplex
Heroes vs. Villains: Planted turrets on Dune Sea Exchange will now disappear in-between rounds
Fighter Squadron: Players are now protected while spawning on Graveyard of Giants
General: Both players will now properly see Charge Card pick-ups if Player One is using a 3rd Star Card Hand without a Charge Card
General: Player 2's changes to control settings no longer update Player 1's controls when playing Split-Screen
Battle: Fixed AI Spawn issues on Tatooine
Survival: Wave 10 on Sullust will now always spawn if the player / co-op team dies and restarts the round or if a player picks up a Collectible during the Wave 9 transition
Survival: Partner spawns on Sullust will no longer fail if the currently alive player is in a confined area
Survival: Co-Op players can now unlock the "Complete on Hard Difficulty without spending a life" if one player dies and then waits until the other player completes the wave so they get a free respawn
General: Heroes no longer get stuck in a stunned animation state
Princess Leia: Trooper Bane now only knocks back primary target, not nearby enemies
Han Solo: Zooming in no longer sometimes displays a gun scope
Controls: Legacy control schemes have had their layouts more clearly defined
Colorblind: Enemy players highlighted with Scan Pulse now have the correct Deuteranopia or Protanopia settings on Graveyard of Giants and Goazan Badlands
PC only: Air vehicle sensitivity lowered from 0.9 to 0.45 for easier mouse control
Achievements / Trophies: Updated text on "Impressive. Most Impressive." and "Survivor" to clarify the requirements
Achievements / Trophies: "Playing the Objective" now properly awarded
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